Our Story
Access to adequate education, healthcare, and basic daily needs like clean running water and electricity
are not available to all people. While there are systemic issues at the root of this inadequacy too large
for one entity to tackle, this organization aims to bring access closer to those who need it.
Johnathan Sim led by example before he passed away in 2005 at the young age of 33. He worked at
World Vision, an international relief and development agency. He traveled to some remote places and
fell in love with the people of Africa. His dream was to continually impact the less fortunate through his
work while he was alive and even after his death by leaving seed money to build a school in a remote
area of the Kalomo District in Zambia.
Our start was in 2005, when friends and family came together to raise funds for the school through a
golf tournament. The JSIM Golf Classic tournament has been run annually since and other fundraising events have followed. Funds were donated to World Vision and Hoops of Hope, partnering nonprofits who were key to building the Johnathan Sim Chikanta Secondary School in 2007. A majority of the fundraising goes toward development and maintenance of the school, but other non-school projects may be considered for support. We carry on Johnathan’s legacy and mission.

We raise awareness of needs around the world
and the needs of our homeland.
Our Mission
To be a change agent who leaves a legacy of added value by bringing hope to the hopeless.

Our Vision
In partnering strategically with other organizations, all people will have access to:
adequate education and healthcare
basic daily needs like clean water, nutrition, shelter, clothing, and electricity
permanent and loving families
safety from violence
hope for a brighter future